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Below are some important details and FAQs. At any time, if you have any questions - please email me ( or text me (Luke: 770-561-7528).

  • Time and Location: The Gala is Friday February 25, 2022 at the ballroom in the Westin Hotel on Jekyll Island. The event starts at 6:00 PM and ends at 9:00 PM. Valet and self-parking are available at the hotel.

  • Check-In: There are no physical tickets. We'll have the guest list at the registration table outside the ballroom. Visit the registration table to check-in and, if you haven't already, pay for your tickets. If you haven't paid yet, and want to do so ahead of time (to save a few minutes at the registration table), just let me know and I'll send an individualized link for payment.

  • Food and Drinks: Dinner (setup in food stations) will be served starting at 6:30. A cash bar offering United Distributors products will be available throughout the event. Please remember to bring cash for drinks and tips. Coffee and water will be provided as well.

  • The Setup: The main ballroom will have live music, tables for guests, and one of the cash bars. There will also be a covered, heated patio with additional tables and a second cash bar directly outside the ballroom. 

  • The Silent Auction: The Foundation's famous silent auction will take place at the Gala, from 6:00 until 8:30 PM. You do not need to be present to win. We have some truly special items (including some really fun themed baskets) this year and we can't wait for you to see them.

  • Brief Program: The gala will include a brief program with updates on the Foundation's projects and fundraising. I promise not to talk too long! We'll also be presenting the #AJSticker results! This will be in the main ballroom and we'll make appropriate announcements for anyone who is outside or at the auction table.

  • Dress Code: We encourage everyone to dress up! It's always fun to put on a sport-coat or a nice dress for a night out. But, of course, there is no actual dress code. Come as you are (in whatever you're comfortable in).

  • Shirts and Raffle Tickets: We will be selling golf shirts ($50) and raffle tickets (you can also click Enter Raffles here to buy raffle tickets online) throughout the event. We will accept cash, card, or check! The raffle drawing will take place after the tournament on Saturday, but you do not need to be present to win.

I also want to send a note about our Beach and Nature Walk on Saturday during the tournament. The beach and nature walk is a great day-time activity for spouses and/or guests/friends who do not golf. A professional naturalist and environmentalist will lead a guided beach walk beginning at 11:00 AM on the Saturday of the tournament. If you're traveling to Jekyll with a spouse, friend, girlfriend, etc., please let them know about the beach walk - which is completely free. The group will meet behind the Westin near the beach entrance/walkway around 10:45 AM. You do not need to register for the beach walk. But if you anticipate joining, feel free to let me know via email or text (770-561-7528) so we know not to leave without you!


As always, the Foundation truly appreciates your support. The proceeds from tickets, auction items, raffles, shirts, etc. all go towards our fundraising goals. This year, we are aiming to raise $50,000 for Wolfson Children's Hospital. With your help, we can make a direct and immediate impact on families and patients in the Brunswick/Jacksonville area. 


If you have any questions about golf, the gala, or the weekend, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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